About TV Media

TV Media多年來一直為澳洲華人提供最好的中文電視服務,近年更應電視科技發展趨勢,推出高清網絡電視TVB Anywhere,每天24小時不間歇播放,為全澳每一位訂戶提供全方位的文化娛樂資訊。 TV Media每日收看觀眾量超過16萬,是全澳最大的中文電視平台。

TV Media不僅致力為觀眾提供高質素的電視服務,亦不斷推出精心策劃的本地製作節目,為觀眾提供包括衣食住行、金融財經、健康、法律常識等等、與本地華人生活息息相關的各類資訊。同時,出版免費雜誌《八爪娛》月刊,發行網覆蓋全澳,實現多媒介、多元化的傳播。TV Media亦活躍於華人社區,每年策劃舉辦多項盛事,包括「TVB Anywhere嘉年華」和「澳洲華裔小姐競選」等大型活動。此外,TV Media也積極為社區發展出力,每年均與本地慈善團體舉辦不同主題的慈善活動,籌集善款捐贈受惠機構,發展慈善事業幫助有需要人士。TV Mediapositively take advantage of its unique superiority of its brand, bringing the best and most exciting entertainment programs to our audience. As the biggest Chinese media provider in Australia, we also actively provide advertisers with multi-platform and multi-channel publicity channels, as well as to help promote community development. We aim to employ a market-oriented operating mechanism to promote business development in an all-round manner, so as to establish a more influential media platform in the Chinese Australian community.

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